Giving your Social Media Content a Swift Kick!

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I recently took part in a content planning day with two wonderfully talented women (both called Laura!) who run a Social Media Manager membership scheme called The Inner Hub as well as this, they deliver Facebook Ads and Social Media training amongst the many other strings to their bow! 

The knowledge I learnt on the training day was mind-blowing, inspiring and yet so simple!

One of the areas that we focused on was the 3P framework. I wanted to share it with you to help you with your content writing.

A common problem amongst Social Media Managers is that we don't focus enough time on our own social media channels and when we do, we spend too long writing them, thinking about them, finding that perfect image as well as scheduling etc.
Content writing doesn't have to be time-consuming, it needs to be on point and relevant.

So, I wanted to give you a "magic" recipe to help you write meaningful content that will have an impact on your business!

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🌟 Position

🌟 Problem Solving

🌟 Promotion

Here is some more information, breaking each down for you and how to relate them to your brand's social media content.

1. Position: This is all about looking at how you position yourself to your ideal client/customer (something you should have clearly in your mind). What do you offer? Tips, hacks, how to videos, advice etc.

2. Problem solving: Thinking about your ideal client/customer and what keeps them up at night?
What is their pain point and how can you solve it?
Asking the question "Fill in the blank. Today would be a better day if_______"

3. Promotion: Including posts that highlight your services, products, workshops, 121 etc.
Some people find this REALLY difficult because they feel it's bragging or being pushy!
But if you don't sing about what you do, who will?
If you don't tell people what you do and what you offer, no one will know!
When writing your social media content think "WHY DOES IT MATTER?"
What value does it offer your audience?

It's as simple as that!
Don't OVERTHINK what you're writing! Get to the point and that solution to your audience's problem!

⚑️Bonus Tip ⚑️

Try to allocate a block of time to write your content. Whether that’s each week or once a month, put it in the diary and then it's there and when it's done, it's done!


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